1.周瑜 : 最強的打法,即為2buff周瑜,一般五槍沒有周瑜,不用說buff,單神周瑜即被燒成灰燼;而單buff,魯肅加智50%每秒回9000絕對不會耗血;而雙buff,你一定要在雙buff時,士氣可以放劉備,才能每秒21000不耗血!!!但是,赤壁大火消失時,每秒21000,不用幾秒,全體滿血=完勝,簡直就是全有全無率。9氣 or 大哥二哥
Gusli is the oldest Russian plucked instrument. Its exact history is It may have derived from a Byzantine form of the Greek kythare, which in turn derived from the ancient lyre. It has its relatives throughout the world - kantele in Finland, kannel in Estonia, kanklės and kokle in Lithuania and Latvia. Furthermore, we can find kanun in Arabic countries and the autoharp in the USA. It is also related to such ancient instruments as Chinese gu zheng which has a thousand-year history and its Japanese relative koto. , greek music, Duet of musicians, gusli and grand piano improvising Greek music, incongruous and wondrous, a concert was held at the Museum of Musical Instruments Glinka. November 3, 2013